Build Simply and Deploy Quickly.

Don't cut corners. Use actually decentralized storage for your application.  


The Jackal Foundation facilitates non-equity grants, seed funding, and beyond through our various funding programs. Ecosystem funding aims to focus on the categories such as decentralized applications, tooling, services, research and development, infrastructure, and social impact.


Blockchain and web3 native software engineering teams often wish to become core contributors through partnership with the Jackal Foundation. In a partnership role, the team would be assigned direct tasks and be held to a high standard of execution, professionalism, and accountability. If your team desires to partner with the Jackal Foundation, please reach out directly, we look forward to working with you.

Integration Support

The core developers and support teams are here to make on-boarding and integration seamless.

Enterprise Support

Leverage the Jackal Protocol to increase the cyber security and digital privacy posture of your operations.

Join the Pack

A thriving open-source community of users, builders, and infrastructure providers.